Customer Testimonials

At ABE Equipment, we strive to form long-lasting relationships with customers because your success is our success. We think we’re pretty great to work with, but don’t take our word for it. Check out some testimonials from our customers and judge for yourself.

Banks Brewing

Equipment Purchased: Depalletizer

As a brewery that didn’t purchase our canning line through Viniquip, I am especially very grateful and thankful of the ongoing service Viniquip have supplied us. When we required parts for an upgrade due to a breakdown they sought us a warranty claim & they are very prompt in responding if we have issues and when ordering parts. Great service and we are pleased to be working with them & ABE.

– Chris Farmer | Viniquip – Australia Distributor

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Big Top Brewing

Equipment Purchased: Depalletizer

We purchased a depal, GREAT customer service and production time. Look forward to purchasing additional equipment in the future.

– Mike Bisaha | Sarasota, FL

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Burnt City Brewing / District Brew Yards

Equipment Purchased: Canning Line, Cellar Tank, Fermenter

I have just combined my pub operations and plant operations into one building and added some more ABE equipment. It was a massive undertaking and could have not been accomplished without the help of the ABE service team. When you buy equipment it’s not just a price or some impressive machine. It’s the people who service the stuff. ABE is terrific in making sure their staff is service orientated and professional. There is no reason to look elsewhere. Thanks ABE again.

– Greg Lamacki | Chicago, IL

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Cerveceria Artesanal Corcovado

Equipment Purchased: Brewhouse

(Translated by Google) We decided to buy ABE equipment for the high quality of the equipment they manufacture and the excellent customer service they have. There was always transparency regarding the place of manufacture of the BBTs that we bought. The fact of having a team with incredible finishes, 100% functional, and also a personalized customer service, makes it clear that the equipment supplier for our brewery will undoubtedly remain ABE.

Decidimos comprar equipos de ABE por la alta calidad de los equipos que fabrican y el excelente servicio al cliente que tienen. Siempre hubo transparencia respecto al lugar de fabricación de los BBTs que compramos. El hecho de tener un equipo con acabados increíbles, 100% funcionales, y además un servicio al cliente personalizado, nos deja claro que el proveedor de equipos para nuestra cervecería sin duda alguna seguirá siendo ABE.

– Erick Ramirez | Caldera, Costa Rica